Apply for Children’s Programmes Application Add a 2nd child Firstly, enter your email address so that we can link the child to your details Your email * Child's details Name * First Name Last Name Gender * Male Female Other Date of Birth * MM DD YYYY School * Churchill Gardens Primary Academy Pimlico Primary School Milbank Primary Academy St Vincent de Paul Primary School Burdett Coutts Primary School St Peter’s Eaton Square CE Primary School Saint Gabriel’s Primary School Westminster Cathedral Primary School Other *Other If you selected Other, please specify Which programme are you applying for? * If you need help deciding, you can browse our programmes from the main menu. Children's Choir Foundation Scholars What is your child's musical background? Have they ever learned an instrument? Have they done grades? Anyone can apply, this is just for us to know how we can help them best! Medical Conditions Any medical conditions we should know about that may affect their ability to participate? Special Educational Needs or Disability We have a SEND specialist on Tuesdays to provide additional support to SEND pupils My child has SEND attributes and would benefit from additional support Photos and Videos * We will occasionally take pictures and videos to show off the amazing work the children will be doing in their rehearsals. We will only use images on our website, social media or marketing. I agree for my child to be photographed Collection * I will collect my child at the end of rehearsals I will arrange for someone else to collect my child at the end of rehearsals I am happy for my child to walk home alone (not recommended) If not you, who will be collecting them? What is their mobile number? (if different to yours) Equality and Inclusion To ensure we are truly being inclusive, we are required to report on our equality and inclusion to receive funding. These questions may feel intrusive but please be assured, no staff can view the answers, and whenever this data is referred to, it will be completely anonymised. Your name will never be attached to it. This will really help us receive funding. Tick if these apply to you English as an additional language Free school meals Ethnicity * White - English/ Welsh/ Scottish/ Northern Irish or British White - Irish White - Gypsy or Irish Traveller White - Roma White - Any other White background Asian or Asian British - Indian Asian or Asian British - Pakistani Asian or Asian British - Bangladeshi Asian or Asian British - Chinese Asian or Asian British - Any other Asian background Black/ Black British/ Caribbean or African - Caribbean Black/ Black British/ Caribbean or African - African Black/ Black British/ Caribbean or African - Any other Black/ Black British/ or Caribbean background Mixed or multiple ethnic groups - White and Black Caribbean Mixed or multiple ethnic groups - White and Black African Mixed or multiple ethnic groups - White and Asian Mixed or multiple ethnic groups - Any other Mixed or multiple ethnic background Other ethnic group - Arab Other ethnic group - Any other ethnic group Prefer not to say Thank you! That has now been submitted. You will hear from us shortly with more information regarding your application. Have a lovely day :)