
Theory of Change

The Pimlico Musical Foundation’s Theory of Change underpins our core values and the impact that we hope to have on our community. Our Theory of Change contains the following information:

  • Research to support our claims that a music education can have a significant lasting impact on children’s lives

  • Information on need in Pimlico (i.e. why here?)

  • Our immediate, intermediate and distinct outcomes (i.e. the change we hope to make)

  • A measurement framework to ensure that we properly evaluate our projects and, in time, prove conclusively that what we do makes a real difference.

Activities out of school time

Procedures in place for how PMF's after-school clubs are run


Procedures in place to deal with bullying of all kinds

 Child protection

How PMF ensures all children in its care are protected


Procedures for dealing with complaints

 Data protection

How the PMF ensures that all data is appropriately protected.


Information on how the PMF goes about ensuring all its work online is promoted safetly

Health and safety

Procedures for ensuring the health and safe welfare of staff and participants at all times.

Quality assurance

Document outlining PMF's focus on being a high-quality organisation

Lone working

Procedures to ensure the safety of those working alone


Information on PMF's recruitment procedures


Procedures in ensuring all staff and participants are suitably safeguarded at all times

Sharing information

Information on how PMF shares particular information


Information PMF's procedures in whistle-blowing scenarios

Risk assessment for standard activities

Information on how PMF mitigates risk at PMF rehearsals, evensongs and concerts at St Gabriel’s Church, Pimlico.

Risk assessment for the Walking Bus

Information on mitigating risk when walking with groups of children

Risk assessment for external events

Forms and information on how PMF mitigates risk in trips and events away from usual weekly PMF events

Risk assessment for the workplace

Information on how PMF mitigates risk in the workplace - includes lone-working risk assessment

Staff Standards Policy

The Code of Conduct summarises Staff duties as set out in the PMF’s policies.